

 Unleash The Mind Session 11

1. Cannot realise/understand the corruptions, racism etc created by the politicians is from my own creation. This is a true puzzle. Still need more practice and repentance to realise the truth.

2. Many times repeated negative life’s incidences and happenings that are repeating the mind to be numb and this is probably the survival mechanism of the human mind but this will be a big barrier to feel life and our own true nature. Hence, no change of enlightenment and see the truth as it is.

3. I have been trying very hard to feel life since the class teaches us to feel cause we cannot describe out buddha nature. To become one with the universe can only feel the truth and blend into it before can naturally response is still a puzzle to me.

4. I can only say I need more hard practice and reflections in my daily life cause I seldom do self reflections on a daily basis which is critical for my personal growth in my daily life. I guess I need to start a daily reflection habit now.

Ching Meng Hapchang

我们需要思维,但不是让思维给我们制造了痛苦。每天让自己放轻松, 放轻松,慢慢进来...

